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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Lazy Sunday

Another lazy afternoon.... tried to get into my studio to prepare for some workshops at the Mental Health Drop in Centre this week.... think I will do a mosaic sun-catcher
This certainly says summer!!!
with the Seniors as they usually do paintings (I am just a fill-in as the regular teacher is away) but the beach and my stand-up paddle board were calling...(the water is a fine 74 degrees)      oh well there is always Monday to get ready..
Had our first fire of the season this morning... all is well as it was only a grass fire and the fire truck put it out.. probably some careless person thru a cigarette out the window as it was right by the road.
Now to get ready for an invite out for dinner.. One of our friends acquired  a big box of  art glass for me... Can certainly use them at the Drop in Centre.
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1 comment:

DVArtist said...

Wow your glass is amazing. Fresh and light. Thanks for stopping by